Tendring pacific Installation Safety Protocol
Our Policy For The Installation Of On-line, Gas Carrying, Ametek Dansensor Equipment – Dansensor MAP Mix Provectus and Dansensor MAP Check 3
Published January 2025
In the months prior to January 2025, we saw a noticeable increase in insurance company inspectors insisting on tighter adherence to HSE rules and the guidance issued by gas supply companies and BCGA (British Compressed Gas Association).
In some cases, insurance companies have refused to insure food processing companies where the general MAP gas installation is not deemed to meet those rules and guidance; and then only doing so, once changes to the installed pipework have been made.
The primary, additional concern now appears to be the pipework carrying gasses at high pressures, regardless of which gas type is being carried. Historically, concern was centred on oxygen supplies; now it is for any gas at high pressure.
Tendring pacific has always endeavoured to install Ametek Dansensor’s online gas equipment with the closest adherence to the prevailing rules and guidance, for the ongoing safety of both personnel and property. Hence, why we have for many years, supplied degreased installation kits for oxygen installation and high flow regulators for all MAP gasses.
Our understanding of how the rules/guidance is now being interpreted by others.
- All gas supply pipelines feeding directly into a Dansensor MAP Mix Provectus, or Dansensor MAP Check 3, must be Hard Piped, or alternatively, Stainless Steel (S/S) Flexi, if less than 2m in length. This applies, regardless of the gas type they are carrying
- No high pressure gasses, regardless of type, can be carried via plastic hoses
- The gas output of a mix of gasses with an oxygen content of MORE than 20.9%, from a Dansensor MAP Mix Provectus, or Dansensor MAP Check 3, to a packaging machine, or buffer tank, will need to be either Hard Piped, or S/S Flexi, if less than 2m in length
- The gas output of a mix of gasses of 9% oxygen or less from a Dansensor MAP Mix Provectus or Dansensor MAP Check 3, to a packaging machine, or buffer tank, does NOT have to be either Hard Piped or S/S Flexi.
Tendring pacific Installation Policy will be as follows, with immediate effect:
- Tendring pacific will only carry out online installation using our own fittings kits
- Both types of Tendring pacific fittings kits (O2 and N2/CO2) will now be supplied complete with S/S Flexi hoses – sufficient in number for all inlets and outputs to/from our gas regulators. Other hose types will not be used
- The maximum length of S/S Flexi hose that Tendring pacific will supply is 2m. This 2m hose (with ½ inch threads) is included within the Fittings Kits and is for connecting the site’s gas supply to the input of the regulator supplied by Tendring pacific
- All S/S Flexi hoses supplied by Tendring pacific will be degreased and therefore oxygen safe; regardless of the gas type being passed through them
- The gas output port of either the Dansensor MAP Mix Provectus, or the Dansensor MAP Check 3, will terminate in a Degreased O2 Safe Ball Valve. Site can then connect onto this Ball Valve. This is regardless of the O2 content of the gas being output
- Tendring pacific requires permission to photograph the completed pipeline installation, for which they have been responsible for installing. The images will be stored electronically against the job and not used for any other purpose except, with your express permission, for training purposes
- If the site, or OEM, insists on an installation not complying with our policy, a responsible person employed by the site, or OEM, will be required to sign a legally binding disclaimer absolving Tendring pacific from all responsibility for the safety of the installation
- Tendring pacific reserves the right to refuse to install, if it is deemed to be unsafe to do so, because HSE, or BCGA Guidance, is not being followed by Site. All subsequent revisits will be fully chargeable.
Our primary concern is for the safety of all personnel (yours and ours). We therefore ask for your understanding in our change of policy and for your cooperation in ensuring installations are preformed safely.
Contact Our Installation Team For Further Information
01223 492087

Dansensor MAP Mix Provectus Installation Protocol
Dansensor MAP Check 3 Installation Protocol