Dansensor Help Desk

When you buy products from Tendring pacific, we want to make sure you to get the best value for your money. With that in mind, we offer a comprehensive range of assistance – both immediate & long term.

For immediate technical help with your Dansensor equipment – please contact our Dansensor Help Desk and our fully trained engineer will take your call. This is a direct line to us. We do not use Call Centres.

Dansensor Help Desk
During normal office hours, please call 01223 492087, or email techsupport@tendringpacific.com.
Our normal office hours are:

  • Monday – Thursday 08.30 – 17.00
  • Friday 08.30 – 14.00
  • On a Friday, between 14.00 – 17.00 (excluding Bank Holidays) please call 07960 182713

You’ll also find additional helpful information on our website from our “How To” Videos and our range of Preventative Maintenance Guides. Those customers with Plantstats QC Pro installed, also have access to remote diagnostics, which may help pinpoint any issues you’re experiencing.

For Long Term and In Depth Technical Support
Our Senior Engineers have many years of experience and are recognised as expert in gas flushing and control. If you’re considering any of the changes and actions we’ve detailed below, then please get in contact and we’ll share our expertise, so that you can make a considered decision.

We build long term relationships with customers through their trust and confidence in our extensive market knowledge, experience and sound expertise. Our Senior Engineers are regularly on site to investigate, advise and help demonstrate the technical and cost viability of your planned purchase through:

  • equipment demonstrations using your packaging products
  • on-line equipment trials to further validate their suitability and to calculate accurate the cost savings benefits
  • MAP Audits & Gas Efficiency surveys
  • general troubleshooting and customer support

Post – Purchase & Installation

Get in touch on 01223 492087 or via techsupport@tendringpacific.com

Technical Assistance

Dansensor Help Desk

During normal office hours
01223 492087 or techsupport@tendringpacific.com.

Friday, between 14.00 – 17.00 (excluding Bank Holidays)
07960 182713

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Contact Technical Support

For immediate help call 01223 492087

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Technical Assistance