A Comprehensive Range of On-site and Return to Base Service and Calibration Contracts

Our fully equipped, Dansensor approved, Service Point and workshop is audited and certified by Dansensor, to ensure that we meet their demanding standards. Both our Service Centre and Mobile Service Units are staffed by Dansensor trained and certified service engineers.

  • We faithfully adhere to Dansensor service & calibration procedures
  • Only Dansensor recommended spare parts are supplied and used
  • We have an extensive range of Dansensor spare parts in stock at all times
  • A full range of certified, traceable test gasses are used for calibration
  • Supplied calibration certificates are traceable to national standards

Service Support for Dansensor Gas Flushing Equipment
There are several ways we can help you to maintain your equipment, reduce unexpected breakdowns and keep your production line running, including:

  • Return to Base Annual Service & Calibration & Certification – most popular option for benchtop and handheld analysers.
  • On-site Annual Service & Calibration & Certification – for Dansensor equipment installed online, or where you prefer an engineer to visit your site.
  • Loan Instruments* – we have dedicated fleet of loan instruments available while we are servicing your equipment.

*Please note that Annual Service Contract customers receive priority in the allocation of loan instruments.

Annual Service Contract (ASC)
The most cost effective way of purchasing regular servicing of equipment. With an ASC, you receive – 10% discount on labour and any repair parts required, in addition to those already covered by the contract:

  • priority engineering response
  • free use of a loan instrument (headspace units only)
  • priority in loan instrument allocation

Repairs – these are generally performed off-site, in our workshop.

Booking a Service or Service Contract
To book a service or to arrange a service contract for your equipment, please contact:
Direct line: 01223 492086

Office Hours   •   Monday – Thursday 08.30 – 17.00  •  Friday 08.30 – 14.00

Technical Assistance
To ensure you get the maximum benefit from Dansensor equipment we offer several technical support options:

  • Free Hotline telephone/email service to answer one-off questions
  • On-site help with the initial set-up of Dansensor products and the training of the customer’s personnel
  • Specific, tailored on-site training of supervisors, operators and maintenance personnel
  • On-site troubleshooting of MAP problems

For Technical Assistance, please contact our Technical Support Team:
Direct line: 01223 492087

For Urgent Technical Assistance – between 14.00 – 17.00 on a Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) please call 07960 182713

Service and Calibration

Book A Service

Please call
01223 492086


Set Up an Annual Service Contract

Please contact
01223 492086

Technical Assistance

Please contact our Technical Support Team:
01223 492087

For Urgent Technical Assistance – between 14.00 – 17.00 on a Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) please call 07960 182713

Service and Calibration